Packing is the Bane of My Existence

I hate packing for college. My hatred of packing for college by far exceeds my hatred of packing for trips or packing to move permanently to a new location. Why?

Because packing for college requires decision-making skills, which I sorely lack.

I’ve traveled enough to know exactly what I’ll need for any given one to two-week trips. Moving to a new house is basically putting everything you own into boxes. But packing for college means constant questions like:

“Will I want to read this book at some point this semester?”

“Do I have too many books?”

“Should I bring three or four towels?”

“What movies will I want to watch?”

“Should I bring more wall decorations?”

“Will I need this jacket too or is one light jacket enough?”

“How many bottles of shampoo will I go through this semester?”

“Should I buy a desk organizer, or is that just a waste of money?”

I do not know the answer to any of this questions, because I am neither psychic nor a time-traveler. Is packing this difficult for every college student, or am I just a rare breed of the human specifies marked by their complete inability to make a decision?

I just stared at a pair of shoes for five minutes trying to think through everything I might possibly do this next semester and what outfits I might possibly wear to those events and whether I will need that particular pair of shoes which perfectly match that one outfit I could possibly wear to that one event I might want to go to.

This is insane. Excuse me while I bang my head against a wall, because apparently packing for college requires me to become a fortune-teller.

Therefore I will, inevitably, forget something vital and also pack a ton of stuff I won’t end up needing.

Packing for college sucks.