A Single Had an (Almost) Awesome Valentine’s Day.

I don’t have a signficant other, and I enjoyed my Valentine’s Day. What now?!

My day started off with three great things when I checked my mailbox yesterday morning: a valentine card from my mother with a crisp $10 bill enclosed inside (hey, I’m in college, every little bit helps!), an envelope holding a notecard with a sweet note from my best friend back home and about a dozen cheesy little-kid Thor valentines with those little stick-on tattoos inside them (yes, my roomie and I entertained ourselves for a good half hour putting them on various places on our anatomies where we have remotely considered getting an actual tattoo), and a response letter from the residence office saying that I got the job as an RA! Yay!

Since my roomie’s boyfriend had to work that night, we had our own date, including a romantic dinner in the caf (ha) and a very sad, very girly movie which made me cry the whole time. My roommate thought that was hilarious, because I NEVER cry, especially in front of people. At least about my own life. I informed her that I am a sympathetic sobber; I only cry when someone else does. Thus I usually despise emotional movies. I can’t help it. When someone on screen cries, I just break down and NOTHING can stop those tears from a-flowing’. And if a grown man is crying, ugh, I am blubbering like a fool (why the age and gender makes a difference I couldn’t tell you but it does). I cannot tell you how much I hate that about myself. It’s not that I’m ashamed of emotion: I just would rather keep my private emotions private. And I get awful headaches from crying so I prefer other outlets to my emotions. Writing and music work best.

Wow, that was so off-topic. Anyway, other than the crying, I had a lovely time with my roommie celebrating Valentine’s Day and our mutual acceptance to the RA staff. I’m a little sad that we won’t be rooming together next year (we’re in two different dorms), but I was asked by another friend to live with her and two other girls in the dorm I’m the new RA of, so at least I’m not scrabbling to find roommates. Although I’m not exactly close to her, we just have several classes together and go to the same church, so some potential awkwardness there, especially since I only sort of know one of the girls and have met the other one once. But it’ll be okay, and at least I have a room and don’t have to go to my RD and admit that I have no one to room with next year. That would be embarrassing. And she might realize that she just hired a socially inept person to be in charge of people. That would be bad.

Oh, and let me just rant a little bit about this chick who lives in the dorm I’ll be RA of next year. It’s tradition for the RA staff of a dorm to wake up the new RAs for next year in the middle of the night/early morning to have breakfast in the RD’s apartment and get to know the new staff and whatnot. So I found out where I’d be RA of next year around 6 A.M. this morning. My roommate also went through this procedure. Now the dorm I will be RA of is the dorm where most of the honors kids live, and my roommate had one of her honors classes this morning. When she went to it, I guess they were all talking about the RAs for next year (I think there were one or two other future RAs in that class besides my roommate). This girl in honors says, “Well, our new RA for next year better not try to enforce the visitations rules! That definitely would not go over well!” (My college has rules about guys not being in girls’ rooms and vice versa past 2 A.M. or something like that in that particular dorm). My roommate replied that I was the new RA (and slyly texted me everything that was going on). Then she says, “She’d better not try to enforce rules on us, ’cause that will not work!”

Gee, thanks. I’ve known I was going to be an RA for about three hours and already someone is trying to make my life difficult. And now I’m sorely tempted to barge into this girl’s room at two in the morning every single night next year. I won’t, because I’m usually asleep by then, and I’m not that confrontational, but that really does annoy me. The dumbest thing is, that dorm has the laxest (most lax?) rules out of any dorm on campus. The freshmen dorms only allow guys to come over one weeknight and weekends during certain evening hours. Why she is complaining is beyond me. This is a Christian school: they have rules. If you don’t like them, go to a public university where you can do whatever the heck you want and no one will try to stop you.

Okay, this is a really long post. Sorry about that. Now that I’m done ranting, here’s a lovely, geeky valentine for all of you:
